It's time for the seventh annual Zipperstrong Photoshoot!
CHD families across Virginia (and nearby regions) are invited to enter a lottery to participate in this complimentary portrait session. It is designed to feature CHD children ages infant to 15-years-old, including CHD survivors and those gone too soon.
Saturday, December 4, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM * Winchester, VA
(Street address and other information will be emailed to event attendees).
Click Here to Register
Learn about our precautions in light of Covid-19 and more details about the event here: Zipperstrong Photoshoot FAQ

Through Zipperstrong, Winchester Photographer SheRae Hunter helps raise awareness of congenital heart disease by giving outsiders a glimpse into the CHD world. Her powerful images capture the strength and vitality of children fighting congenital heart disease, while helping families see just how proud their children are to simply be themselves, scars and all. This project also honors the stories of CHD warriors gone too soon; loved and missed everyday.
The Zipperstrong Project has been featured in local Virginia news outlets, on The Mighty, and at the Hope Marietta Foundation's, Casino Night, which raises awareness about congenital heart disease and supports CHD causes in Virginia. Many area hospital centers display Zipperstrong portraits to feature CHD heart warriors in their care.
Learn more and see previous campaigns here.
This photoshoot is hosted through a special collaboration between Zipperstrong and Conquering CHD - VA.